Collective agreement and By-laws
Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities in the workplace. If you have questions about your rights at work, talk to your steward or a member of the executive.
- Download a copy of the 2013-2014 collective agreement (PDF)
- Download a copy of the 2015-2016 collective agreement (PDF)
- Download a copy of the 2017-2018 collective agreement (PDF)
- Download a copy of the 2019-2021 collective agreement (PDF)
- Download a copy of the 2022-2023 collective agreement
Your union runs by the local by-laws set out by the membership and the CUPE constitution through CUPE National.
- 1182 bylaws – 2015
- 1182 Bylaws-2022
- CUPE National Constitution can be found on the CUPE National website at
Your local also has a closed “CUPE 1182” Group on Facebook. As this is a closed group, you will need to be accepted into the group by an administrator of the group, which currently is only the local executive. A friend within the group can invite you to the group.
Educational Opportunities
CUPE offers a wide and varying choice of education opportunities for the members. PLEASE contact your local executive should you be interested in taking any courses. The following link will provide you a list of the courses available in our province. Education Workshop Calendar | Canadian Union of Public Employees
Part time Employees get 11% (eleven percent) in lieu of benefits on top of your regular earnings.
- Part time staff do not receive health benefits as they receive the in lieu of benefits.
- Part time staff are reminded to endeavour to call in at least 4 (four) hours before the start of their shift as to help reduce increasing staffing shortages.
Full time Employees have the following negotiated benefits:
- Sick time paid at regular earnings for that day. Sick time is accumulated at 1 (one) and a half days per month to a maximum of 115 (One Hundred and fifteen) days. You should endeavour to call in at least 4 (four) hours before the start of your shift.
- Receive a uniform allowance of $8.50 (eight dollars and fifty cents) monthly, payable 2 (two) times per year. The payments are made in January and July of each year. The uniform allowance payments are made with the pay periods ending around December 31, and June 30th.
Benefits Booklet for Full Time Staff from the current provider is Green Shield Canada.
All CUPE Local 1182 members once they have completed 975 (nine hundred seventy five) hours worked are part of the Nursing Home and Related Industries Pension Plan (NHRIPP). For forms and more information on the plan, visit their website. If you have questions or concerns about your pension plan, please speak with a benefit officer.