
Committees 2021-2022

Health & Safety Committee

Labour Co-Chair Dave Viau
Laundry Aide, Days

Alicia Lachance
PSW, 3rd Floor Days

Cherie MacDonald
PSW, 5th Floor Days

Jason Harasymchuk
RPN, 5th Floor Days

Jennifer McDougall
PSW, 2nd Floor Days

WSIB   WSIB booklet & Forms

Pranav Mistry
Certified Activty Aide Evenings

Jennifer McDougall
PSW Full Time Days 2nd Floor

Tree Rost
Certified Activity Aide Evenings

Labour Management Committee

Workload complaint form. click on the link to print out the form. once filled out and completed to the best of your ability please provide to a committee member. 2 (two) copies will be needed 1 (one) for management and one for the union.

Sheena Bracken
Pranav Mistry
Louise Rafuse
Cherie MacDonald
Alicia Lachance

Pensions and Benefits

Sheena Bracken
Lacey Phillips

Social Committee

Louise Rafuse
Tekla Derkson
Cherie MacDonald
1 Vacancy
(Treasurer Pranav Mistry) As per bylaws

Social Media

Alicia Lachance
Jennifer McDougall


Jason Harasymchuk
Lacey Phillips
Pranav Mistry
Sheena Bracken

Negotiations – Contract 2022-?

Sheena Bracken
Jason Harasymchuk
Alicia Lachance
Louise Rafuse

Sudbury & District CUPE Council

Jason Harasymchuk
Alicia Lachance
Valerie Trudeau (Alternate Delegate to the Council)

Sudbury & District Labour Council

Jennifer McDougall
1 Vacancy
Valerie Trudeau (Alternate Delegate to the Council)

Pay Equity Committee – NEW Committee

Sheena Bracken
Jason Harasymchuk
Jennifer McDougall
Pranav Mistry