CUPE 1182 is preparing for bargaining, starting with our bargaining surveys.
CUPE is beginning the process of bargaining a renewal collective agreement with Extendicare in our workplace and across the province. Your input into this process is very important. This survey is a bit more detailed than ones you may have seen previously. We are hoping to be able to use your answers to inform our proposals and also to support our arguments at the bargaining table.
Use the link to the right to participate in a bargaining survey that will help identify the priorities of CUPE members like yourself. If you aren’t able to fill the survey out online, please speak with your local about getting a paper copy.
Jason Harasymchuk the president of the local does carry some paper surveys. Please see him if you require one.
The information gathered in the survey is kept anonymous and shared with your negotiating committee and with the CUPE National Representatives who collate and chart the data on our behalf. It is vital that we have this information in order to best represent you, so please complete the survey before January 25, 2022.